
Structured telephone support (STS) for adult patients with chronic heart failure (Core HTA 3)

Structured telephone support (STS) for adult patients with chronic heart failure (Core HTA 3)

The aim of this core HTA was to compare Structured telephone support (STS) for adult patients with chronic heart failure compared to Usual care defined as regular schedules of visits of the patient at the heart center/ GP/cardiologist or patient has to move (≠ at home).

Agenas, Italy is the editor of this joint assessment and the editorial team consists of THL, NCPHA, AAZ, IER, HVB

Heart Failure is a large and global public health problem that will become more important with the aging of the world population. Up to one person in five is expected to develop HF at some point in their life in economically developed countries.

Telemedicine is an approach using remote monitoring e.g. by structured telephone support of prognostic factors in order to promote an early identification of clinical deterioration in HF patients, prevent hospital readmission for acute decompensated HF, and avoid further complications.

The Core HTA is available online at the Core Model Online Tool here. Relevant document can be found as a pdf below

Structured telephone support for adult patients with chronic heart failure_Core HTA 3_Final_Nov 2015

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