
Methodological guideline for REA of pharmaceuticals: Clinical endpoints

Methodological guideline for REA of pharmaceuticals: Clinical endpoints

This guideline provides a set of recommendations for the selection and assessment of clinical endpoints when completing a Relative Effectiveness Assessment (REA) of pharmaceuticals.

    Clinical endpoints are regarded as a means to measure the impact of a treatment on how a patient feels, functions and survives. That impact is usually in the form of improved health status (e.g. survival, cure, remission), but it may also be worsened health status (e.g. adverse reactions, hospitalisations, death). Clinical endpoints can be broadly categorised into three domains: mortality, morbidity and Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) measures. The endpoints reported for an assessment should be clearly relevant to the disease, condition or process of interest.

    This document is part of the JA1 Final Technical Report as Deliverable “D3-2 WP5_3a1_Clinical endpoints”
    NOTE: For the full Technical Report, please follow this link

Clinical endpoints

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