
HTA Core Model for Diagnostic Technologies 1.0r

HTA Core Model for Diagnostic Technologies 1.0r

The HTA Core Model represents a novel method of performing and reporting HTA and hence the current version requires further testing and refinement. This document focuses on the HTA Core Model for Diagnostic Technologies 1.0r.

The HTA Core Model represents a novel method of performing and reporting HTA and hence the current version requires further testing and refinement. The Model enables future international, systematic and even automated use of HTAs through a shared and more detailed structure. The Model can also be used for educational purposes within HTA. Different types of technology – such as drugs, devices or procedures – may require different kinds of assessment. The current model is an application or a “subset” of the HTA Core Model and limited to diagnostic technologies. Another model for medical and surgical interventions has also been produced within the project. This document focuses on the HTA Core Model for Diagnostic Technologies 1.0r.

HTA Core Model for Diagnostic Technologies 1.0r

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