
[CLOSED] Public consultation on the HTA Core Model for rapid Relative Effectiveness Assessments

[CLOSED] Public consultation on the HTA Core Model for rapid Relative Effectiveness Assessments

We are pleased to announce that as of today the HTA Core Model for rapid Relative Effectiveness Assessments, by Work Package 5, has entered the public consultation phase.
This consultation phase will take place between 28 July and 4 September 2015.

Objective of the HTA Core Model for rapid REAs
The HTA Core Model is a methodological framework developed by EUnetHTA to promote shared production of rapid relative effectiveness assessments. The first version of the HTA Core Model for Rapid REA (V3.0) has been developed for pharmaceuticals only with the intention to produce a rapid assessment within a limited time frame. The current version V4.1 was extended to cover also applications for medical and surgical interventions, and for screening and diagnostic technologies. The scope of V4.1 was amended, to provide guidance for producers of HTA information in general. EUnetHTA specific information and processes were removed and will be included in the Procedure Manuals of WP5 Strand A (Rapid REA on pharmaceuticals) and Strand B (Rapid REA of other technologies).

Objective of the public consultation
The aim of this consultation is to obtain feedback on the new version of the HTA Core Model for rapid REAs, including applications for diagnostics, medical and surgical interventions, pharmaceuticals and screening.

Consultation documents

HTA Core Model for rapid REAs
Public Consultation Form
How to submit your comments?
Please provide any comments on the HTA Core Model for rapid REA using the Public Consultation Form (ensuring all fields are completed, including contact information). Please forward the form at the very latest by 5pm CET on Friday 4 September 2015
If you wish to draw our attention to published literature, please supply the full reference. Please note that only comments submitted within the indicated timeframe, to the indicated e-mail address and in accordance with the described procedure will be taken into account. In order to be considered, the name, title, organisation, telephone number and e-mail address of the sender should appear in the cover note of the submitted comments. If more than one individual from your organisation wants to comment, we kindly ask you to send us a collated singular response document per organisation.

The authors are unable to accept:

Comments received after the consultation deadline
Comments that are not completed on a public consultation comments form
Confidential information or other material that you would not wish to be made public
The subject line of the e-mail should include “EUnetHTA JA2 WP5 – Public Consultation HTA Core Model rapid REA”.

What will happen to your comments?
1. The submissions will be processed by the WP5 Lead Partner, ZIN. If responders wish to modify their submission, they should contact ZIN at the e-mail address given within the timeframe of the public consultation. ZIN will not share responders’ data with third parties for direct marketing.
2. The contact information of all the organisations that properly submitted contributions will be made public on the EUnetHTA public website within a month after the closing date of the public consultation (unless the author has explicitly opposed publication of their contribution or the contributions do not address the HTA Core Model for rapid REA or contain complaints against institutions, personal accusations, irrelevant or offensive statements or material). The name of the author, his affiliation, and date of the submission’s receipt will be disclosed when the contribution is made public.
3. All comments will be formally responded to in a combined document that will be posted on the EUnetHTA website together with the final Project Plan. The document may contain the original feedback in full or as aggregate data. The final format will be chosen by ZIN, depending on e.g. the amount of feedback received.
4. No action will be taken upon receipt of late comments.
5. You should receive a response to your email with comments as a confirmation that your comments have been received. If you do not receive this acknowledgement, please contact to ensure your comments have been safely received.

A reply to acknowledge receipt of submission is foreseen (see point 5) however no further individual reply will be made.

Final HTA Core Model for rapid REA
The final HTA Core Model for rapid REA will be published on the EUnetHTA website in November 2015.


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