Process of information retrieval for systematic reviews and health technology assessments on clinical effectiveness
EUnetHTA methodological guideline The guidance document reflects the current international status of information retrieval science. Although focused on information retrieval in regard to the effectiveness of a health technology, a majority of recommended procedures and methods are generally applicable to the information retrieval and literature searching in HTA. To be helpful for practical work, all […]
EUnetHTA JA2 Final Technical Report approved to be submitted to the European Commission
EUnetHTAJA2_FinalTechnicalReport_Executive Summary_May2016
EUnetHTA early dialogue consolidated procedure
EUnetHTA early dialogue consolidated procedure_ November 2015
EUnetHTA Core protocol Pilot for AEG
This document consists of two parts: Methodological part (section 1), containing the template of Core protocol for AEG. This template defines which protocol items are essential to set up a common or coordinated AEG study (“core” items) and contains advice on how to fill them-in. First EUnetHTA pilot of a joint AEG recommendation (section 2). […]
EMA-EUnetHTA cooperation Implementation Report (2012-2015)
Please see below the Implementation Report on the joint work undertaken in the period November 2012-December 2015. 20160323 Implementation of the EMA-EUnetHTA work plan REPORT_final
Joint Assessment on Vorapaxar (ZONTIVITY™) for the reduction of thrombotic cardiovascular events in patients with a history of myocardial infection (MI)
The purpose of the assessment is to evaluate Vorapaxar (ZONTIVITY™) for the reduction of cardiovascular events. Final version of the assessment was published in June 2015 Below is the documentation provided by the Joint Assessment authoring team Vorapaxar for the reduction of thrombotic cardivascular events_Rapid REA_Final_Jun 2015
EUnetHTA methodological guideline – Methods for health economic evaluations
The methodological guideline on “Methods for health economic evaluations” was developed by WP7, Subgroup 3. The work with the present guideline was initiated to set a general framework for EUnetHTA on how to conduct economic evaluations as well as to increase the transferability of economic evaluations among EUnetHTA partners. This is especially important in order […]
EUnetHTA letter to the European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation on methodological issues of high importance
This letter from EUnetHTA to European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation, EUnetHTA outlines a number of methodological issues that are of high importance and which requires further research attention. EUnetHTALetter to DG RI on HTA in Horizon2020_final_20150312
EUnetHTA Evidence Submission Template
The EUnetHTA Submission Template is a flexible tool that reflects all national evidence requirements for reimbursement in Europe. The inclusion of all national requirements means that the template can be broadly applied to national and/or joint assessment. The adaptation process must include tailoring the tool’s content to either national HTA processes or joint processes to […]
EUnetHTA and MedTech industry expert meeting, summary of discussion
The meeting took place on October 16, 2015 at Eucomed / EDMA offices in Brussels, Belgium with participants coming from organisations-members of Eucomed, EDMA, COCIR (EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum Members) and EUnetHTA. 20151016_EUnetHTA MedicalTechnology Expert meeting_SummaryFinal Anna Nachtnebel – MedTech Expert meeting 2015-10-16 Claudia Wild – MedTech Expert meeting 2015-10-16 François Meyer – MedTech Expert meeting […]