The three tests assessed in this core health technology assessment (HTA)— uPA/PAI-1 (FEMTELLE®, American Diagnostica) based on immunostaining techniques and MammaPrint® (Agendia) and Oncotype DX® (Genomic Health), based on gene expression profiling—measure multiple markers within the tumour that may indicate how the tumour is likely to develop.
    Agenas, Italy and SNHTA, Switzerland are the editors of this joint assessments and the editorial team consists of NICE, UK; Agenas, Italy; THL-FINOHTA, Finland; AAZ, Croatia; INFARMED, Portugal; A.Gemelli, Spain.

    The potential clinical utility of the tests lies in their ability to discriminate between patients who will benefit to a greater or lesser extent from a therapeutic intervention. The assessment of technologies of this type could be of interest to all the EU member states.

    Given its high impact on the healthcare service, the management of breast cancer is a relevant issue for all European Union (EU) countries.
    Please find the Core HTA on PTBCR published on the HTA Core Model® website here.