
WP5 – Activity update

WP5 – Activity update

A fruitful first WP5 JA2 face-to-face meeting was held on 14&15 February 2013 in Diemen (Netherlands). Relevant topics for discussion were the finalisation of the work plan and the organisation of the work in Strand A (pharmaceuticals) and Strand B (other technologies).
    Currently the procedure manuals for both strands are undergoing consultation by the WP5 Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG), from March 18th until April 5th 2013. The procedure manual describes the process and organisation of doing the pilot rapid assessments in detail.
    In Strand A, the scoping phase of the first pilot assessment is nearly finished and it is expected that the assessment phase will start in the second half of April. For a second pilot it is expected that the scoping phase will start in April 2013.
    In Strand B, the first pilot rapid assessment is on-going and preparations for the second pilot have begun with a new call for collaboration soon to come.
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